School Board » Code of Conduct and Standard Operating Procedures

Code of Conduct and Standard Operating Procedures

Pledge of our Board Members
I realize that to be the most effective advocate for children we, as a board must function as a team. To this end, I pledge to adhere to the principals listed in the Code of Conduct. Should I, for any reason, fail to follow these guidelines, I ask my fellow board members to call it to my attention. When that happens, I pledge to accept the feedback in a constructive manner without anger or finger pointing, and to renew my efforts to follow this code of conduct.
2021-2022 District Goals

Mission: Educating all students to be successful in society
Vision: Be the desired district in an evolving world

The District and each Campus will perform at or above the Region and State in state accountability measures for all grades, all subjects and all student groups.

Instructional staff will utilize the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) as the curriculum coupled with effective instructional practices which promote student engagement and preparation.

All staff will model, support and encourage all students, parents and community members to develop and display positive attitudes which ensure academic success.

The financial integrity of the district will be maintained with a concerted effort to grow the fund balance which will be used to support staff, facilities and student programs.

The District will provide a safe and well-disciplined learning environment with appropriate and adequate facilities for all programs.

The District will recruit, employ and retain high quality personnel while providing professional development to build skills in the areas of content knowledge, instructional techniques and relationship-building.